Bringing Faith Back into Marriages

I Still Do exists to help families build a legacy of a healthy, life long loving relationship built on principles from the Bible!

Pastor Sam

I have been married to my beautiful wife, Angie, since 1980. We have two wonderful sons. One was born in 1982 and the other was born in 2002. The information we share has come from our search to find answers in God's Word, the Bible, as we have worked our way through the ups and downs of life. These are tried and true principles that can rescue or strengthen any marriage. We have enjoyed many of the joys of life including: the newness of being married, the excitement of having children, the joy of moving into new homes, the adventure of church planting, and receiving God's miraculous provision and healing on more than a few occasions. We have also experienced a lot of difficult circumstances including: financial difficulty, grueling work schedules, career changes, medical scares, miscarriages, heartache about not being able to have more children, extended family complications, re- starting a church while working a full time job, enduring the near death of our youngest son at birth, and dealing with 39 days of his being in the NICU. You see, we have not lived a life free from ups and downs. We have lived a real life together filled with many of the stressors that encourage couples to divorce, but with God's help we are still together and we still each other more than ever. We look forward to sharing the principles we have learned with you!

3 Ways to Reintroduce Faith in Your Marriage

Marriage Coaching w/ Pastor Sam

$75/hr (Free Consult)

Pastor Sam has over 30+ years of marriage coaching experience. He has helped transform hundreds of marriages with practical tools so you can stay together happily! Schedule a FREE Consult with him today to see how you can start saying, I Still Do!

I Still Do Workbook by Pastor Sam

$18.99 on Amazon

I Still Do is filled with scriptural principles, real life examples, practical suggestions, and thought provoking questions that will help you become a better marriage partner. This book is a systematic guide to help couples find answers to make their marriage better and become stronger followers of Christ in the process. It is a great resource for pastors and Christian counselors.

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